Thursday 3 November 2011

Feedback on Business Card

Feedback on Business Card:

Exactly what i thought in my head but decided to completely ignored it

I was basically trying to make a business card in an hour and print it before my meeting with Brass,...and now I'm so happy I didn't get it finished in time.
I think I'm kind of on the right track with the ideas, which are playing with long surname and the idea of using less ink to promote sustainability.

Feedback from friends:

too crammed
careful if screen printing- details might get missed out

Jo Gilmore:

trying to fit too much on one side - I was trying to print it before the meeting and just decided to do it one sided- but I'm going to play around with the layout more and fit the information on both sides rathe than one.

make it really simple

use one idea ( ink or name?)

do loads of variations

lots of mock prints- real size is a lot smaller than screen

Business Card

Someone else liked my work :)

Email to/from Ian Rossin- Brass Agency

Email from Create Inspire Leeds: